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#100DaysOfHopper Day 76-77

Day 76: Wow, Facebook has gone completely batty. Friends with the "perfect" life are complaining because the Facebook community isn't their for them, guys with biceps the size of my little forearms are talking smack about working out, people for Israel getting their news from the IDF, those against not getting news at all.

People writing always & forever about gf/bf they met after Christmas. People complaining incessantly on here, then deleting it. People boasting about taking care of their kids...cue Chris Rock. People complaining about travel....leaving for vacation.

And then this morning I see some asshole posting a picture of his shlong with a message for the police. Hope this moron gets his. Impressive unit though, so he's got that going for him.

So why does anyone with an IQ over 140 (see what I did there) stay on this awful site? To see a friend I haven't seen in almost 20 years smile wider than I could ever imagine. To see truly beautiful people hold their beautiful children and grandchildren. To see a wonderful uncle get "dressed up" for some turtle movie. To hear about two friend's books. To see someone I miss dearly doing what we both love.

A big change is coming in my life and I think as I leave the location behind, I'm going to have to decide if the ties that bind are positive or negative or if they were part of the misery all along. To those who make me laugh, smile and occasionally cry. You are truly blessed people, because even if I don't always, like, comment or share, you made a difference in a life. It's all anyone can hope for. Thank You. #100DaysOfHopper

Day 77: Maybe it's my Facebook app or maybe my cynicism is temporarily blinding me, but it pains me that out of so many, so few took the time. Fifty pictures of a brand new car or motorcycle; 40 of your engagement ring; 30 posts of your trip to nowhere; 20 of your daily commute; ten of the annoying neighbor, yet only three embracing the simple pleasures derived from a full moon, lighting the sky as if it is dawn. Three others took the time to share something money can't buy, that affected them deeply and made them take notice. Thanks, glad to know you three are out there. Gives me hope that all is not lost on material and moments financed by our desires. #100DayOfHopper

Day 77 Part 2: BURPEES!!! I am well aware of the fact that at 44, I'm physically a mess, but what is the deal with burpees? First off, if you're doing them correctly, they are not even remotely difficult. Yes, adding a push up and a little jump at the end expends more energy and works the arms and chest, but the actual burpee, is nothing more than a properly done squat thrust, which is a pretty easy exercise. I think why people are having problems with this, especially those who are doing crossfit, is that you're letting fatigue get you away from good form. At no time should you be using your back in this exercise, yet I see video after video of people doing this. Eventually, you will be injured and if you've ever had a back injury, believe me, you won't be doing burpees or anything else for months. I know it goes against the mindset of crossfit, but I'm confused as to when speed and number of repetitions became more important than form and execution. Anyone who has taken A&P, Kinesiology or Exercise classes understands that it doesn't, but that is a whole other conversation in and of itself. Please be careful and try and do the exercise properly. You'll see much better results, there will be less fatigue and you'll find them a hell of a lot easier. Sure those people yelling encouragement might not be impressed, but they also won't be yelling anything, while you're at home with a bad back. #100DaysOfHopper


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